Articles of Incorporation
To further common purposes, the members agree to organize under these articles of incorporation under the Alaska Non-Profit Corporation Act and hereby adopt the following:
Article One: Name
The name of this corporation shall be the Alaska Amateur Racquetball Association.
Article Two: Principal Office
The principal office of the corporation shall be at 18739 Villages Scenic Parkway, Anchorage, Alaska 99516. The association may have such other offices as may from time to time be designated by its members or its executive committee. The registered agent for service of process is Kelly King.
Article Three: Duration
The duration of the corporation shall be perpetual unless dissolved by its members or by operation of law.
Article Four: Purposes
The purposes of this association shall be:
- To consider and deal by all lawful means with common problems involved in supporting the aims of the Alaska Amateur Racquetball Association, including fund-raising, and to secure cooperative action in advancing common purposes of the members of the association.
- To do anything necessary and proper for the accomplishment of any purposes set forth in the statement of principles adopted by the founders of this association.
- This association is organized and operated exclusively for the above-stated purposes, and for other non-profit educational purposes as defined in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and no part of any net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private member.
Article Five: Powers
In furtherance of the objects described above, but not in limitation thereof, the association shall have the power to conduct tournaments, to engage in various fund-raising activities, to conduct promotional activities, including advertising, and publicity, in or by any suitable manner or media, and to hold such property as is necessary to accomplish its purpose.
Article Six: Membership
- Active Membership, Any person who participates in the sport or expresses an interest in the sport of racquetball is eligible to become an active member of the association, with full voting and other privileges, provided he or she is qualified under such rules as the membership committee may provide.
- Voting, Each active member shall be entitled to one vote in the affairs of the association. Proxy voting is permitted.
Article Seven: Dues
The annual dues required for membership in the association shall be determined by the vote of the board of directors, on the recommendation of the membership committee. Dues may vary from year to year, but dues shall be the same for all active members.
Article Eight: Meetings
Annual Meeting There shall be an annual meeting of the association during the month of April, unless otherwise ordered by the board of directors, for electing officers, receiving reports, and transacting other business. Meetings shall be open to active members. Notice of these meetings, issued by the secretary, shall be provided to the last recorded address, either physical or digital, of each member at least ten (10) day before the time appointed for the meeting.
Monthly Meetings Meetings may be held monthly, for receiving reports and transacting other business. All monthly meetings shall be open to active members.
Quorum A majority of the active members of this board of directors, when present at any meeting, either physically or virtually, shall constitute a quorum, and in case there is less than this number, the presiding officer may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is present.
Article Nine: Officers and Directors
Elective Officers The elective officers of this corporation shall be president, secretary, and treasurer. Other offices and officers may be established and appointed by the active members of the association at the regular annual meeting.
Board of Directors The number of directors constituting the initial board of directors of the corporation will be eleven (11), whose names are set forth as follows: Jay Wisthoff (President), Kathy Wisthoff (Secretary), Mona Bremont (Treasurer), Steve Deaton, Ben Cuaresma, Tim & Jesse Keaveny, John Neill, Robin Rodriguez, Ruth Marchetti, & Felicia Starling
Directors shall be elected for three (3) years, with staggered terms so that the terms of one-third of the directors expire every three (3) years. Any member of the association is eligible for election to the Board of Directors.
Article Ten: Amendments to Articles
These articles may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the board of directors.
Article Eleven: Bylaws
Bylaws will be hereafter adopted. Such bylaws may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, in the manner provided therein, and the amendments to the bylaws shall be binding on all members, including those who may have voted against them.
Article Twelve: Distribution of Property on Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the association, its property shall be donated to the United States Racquetball Association.